Class of 2021 Graduation

Class of 2021 Graduation
What an amazing day!
Thank you graduates and families.
Thank you Grad Council.
Thank you Hilltop Staff.
Thank you to our honoured dignitaries for sharing their congratulatory video messages to the Class of 2021. View them here
Thank you to the following community partners for their assistance with celebrating our grads; Whitecourt Bottle Depot, Vital Signs and Graphics, Stitch n Time, Topline Promotions, Celebrations, Allan and Jean Millar Centre.
#ittakesavillage #communitypride #chargerpride
View the full length slideshow here
Live Feed Playback (Morning Ceremony)
Live Feed Playback (Afternoon Ceremony)
Congratulations Class of 2021!
#youdidit #hatsofftoyou #anewjourneybegins #onceachargeralwaysacharger #hthgrad21